Izola Factor provides you with almost immediate access to the cash your business needs, making it easy to fund growth initiatives or simply to give your company better liquidity. It also gives you an extra peace of mind as the bank takes on the credit risk of your debtors. Izola Factor also enables you to free up resources that would have been taken up in the collection of invoices. Find out more.
What are the benefits of using Izola Factor?
- Board of Directors and Corporate Governance
- Company Notifications
- Borrowing from Financial Markets
- Annual Reports and Financial Statements
- PDMR notifications
Head Office
Izola Bank p.l.c
4, Castille Place
Valletta VLT 1062
+356 2792 2040
+33 3 59 55 36 45
+32 71 96 25 25
Head Office
Izola Bank p.l.c
4, Castille Place
Valletta VLT 1062
+356 2792 2040
+33 3 59 55 36 45
+32 71 96 25 25
Company Reg: C 16343
VAT No: MT 13175712
© 2022 Izola Bank p.l.c.
Izola Bank p.l.c. is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap 371 of the Laws of Malta) and is regulated by the MFSA (Malta Financial Services Authority).