Payment Related
- Will you always notify my customers that the invoice has been assigned to Izola Bank?
- Will Izola Factor deal professionally with my customers during collection?
- Will I lose credibility with customers if I sell my invoices?
- Will I continue to issue invoices to my customer as usual?
- Who conducts the collections of outstanding invoices?
- What happens to my open invoices after the factoring agreement is terminated?
- What happens if the invoices do not include the assignment clause?
- What happens if my customer doesn’t pay?
- What happens if I issue an invoice for factoring and the client sends the payment to me instead?
- How will my customers know which account they have to pay the financed invoice to?
- How often can I get financing?
- How do I know the status of my factored invoices?
- How can I view my Izola Factor transaction history?